Stay Connected at Christmas

Will your family be apart this Christmas? The Supernanny team finds the easiest ways to stay connected.

Happy relationships at Christmas

Many families will spend Christmas time apart. Unlike the old days when kids ran up the street to grab a biscuit at grandma's before tearing back home, getting together with the family isn’t so easy nowadays. We’re often miles apart and it can be hard to sustain happy family relationships when you're far away.

Happily, technology now makes it easier to connect with family who are far away. Making a conscious effort to include everyone at Christmas, even if you’re not physically together, can be rewarding for everyone. Especially for children.

Jumping across continents

If it’s an ocean that divides you, a webcam can connect you. You can talk face to face with friends and family anywhere in the world via Skype or FaceTime. The kids can pile all their Christmas presents in view and whoever has had the most brandy sauce can serenade the missing family with a carol.

You could email a Christmas collage of the kids, or create a photo album to share online. It’s the next best thing to sending yourself!

Show appreciation

Thank you cards are another great way to share experiences of Christmas. When the tinsel is drooping and the mince pies are crumbs on the carpet, get your kids to sit down and write, decorate or draw their thank yous. Older children can send an email, but make sure they write it from the heart.

Write a few sentences about what you all did over Christmas and the recipient will feel included, know what’s been going on and be able to talk to you about it.

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