Bedtime routine - the Supernanny way

Many parents strive for that perfect bedtime routine. Here's the routine Supernanny used on the show to help parents desperate for calmer evenings

A consistent bedtime routine should be the cornerstone of your Family Routine. Your child’s development will benefit from a daily 11 to 12 hours of sleep, and it’s vital for your relationship that you and your partner have time to yourselves, too.

Setting up a bedtime routine

We recommend that bedtime should be between 7pm and 7.30pm for children up to age of four or five, then range between 8pm and 9pm for children up to age 10 or 12. Follow these steps to set up a bedtime routine which should last about half an hour.

If you have more than one child, stagger their bedtimes so they each benefit from a calming story and goodnight cuddle from you or your partner – changing roles in the bedtime routine will encourage trust and give you both some alone-time with each child.

Have you any top tips you'd like to share? Connect with other parents via our Facebook page.


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