New Year's resolutions for kids

Get your child thinking about how you can both make this your best year yet!

New Year’s resolutions for kids

Wouldn’t it be great to know that your child was going to do their very best to be the best in 2017: that they fully intended to let you brush their teeth without complaining, eat their greens, help around the house, complete their homework?

We’re not making any promises, but these suggested New Year resolutions should help you both focus on the behaviour you’d love to see more of:

Your preschooler…

  • I’ll clean up my toys You can help out by providing an easy clean-up prop in the shape of a big storage tub or toybox that will stop those toys from getting hidden underneath the bed...
  • I’ll get washed without whining That means brushing teeth twice a day, and washing hands after going to the loo and before eating.

Your school-aged child…

  • I’ll drink healthily This means choosing milk and water, instead of fizzy drinks
  • I’ll practice sun safety I will apply sunscreen before I go outdoors, aim to stay in the shade whenever possible and wear a hat and sunglasses, especially when playing sports.
  • I’ll keep active I will find a sport (like basketball or football) or an activity (like playing catch, skipping, dancing or riding my bike) that I like and do it at least three times a week.
  • I’ll stay safe by always wearing a helmet when going on my bike, and by sitting sensibly in the back seat of the car.
  • I’ll be nice to other kids I’ll be friendly to kids who need friends – like someone who is shy, or is new to my school.
  • I’ll be cyber-savvy I’ll never give out personal information such as my name, home address, school name or telephone number online.

Your teen…

  • I’ll take care of myself by eating healthily – at least one fruit and one vegetable every day and limited amounts of fizzy drinks– and getting plenty of physical activity.
  • I’ll pay attention to my screen time I’ll choose whatever I watch carefully and not let it suck up all my energy
  • I’ll help out in my community by volunteering, working with community groups or by joining a school group that helps people in need.
  • I’ll think positively and ignore my inner critic when it tells me I can’t do it or that I’m stupid.
  • I’ll send my stress packing When I feel angry or stressed out, I’ll take a break and find constructive ways to deal, such as exercising, reading, writing in a journal or discussing my problem with a parent or friend.
  • I’ll seek advice When faced with a difficult decision, I’ll talk with a trusted adult or friend about my choices.
  • I’ll be careful about dating and always treat the other person with respect.
  • I’ll be there for my friends When I notice my friends are struggling or engaging in risky behaviour, I’ll talk with a trusted adult and try to find a way that I can help them.

Related links

Stop the backchat! Many parents complain about disrespectful behaviour from their children. Backchat, sarcasm, bad manners, swearing and cheekiness can be frustrating and difficult to handle.

Win over the whiner - how to stop your child whinging: Every parent suffers through it: the loud, obnoxious, pull-your-hair-out whining of a child who wants his or her way, now.

Want to encourage your kids to behave well, try one of our reward charts.

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