Raising a Good Eater

Getting used to new foods and sitting down at the table can be troubling for a child, while nutrition is a constant worry for parents and carers. As seen on the show the Good Eater Technique can be a useful method to calm and encourage a fussy eater, and help get mealtimes back on track…

Raising a Good Eater

Food phobics or very fussy eaters will often only eat two or three things, so it’s vital to work on expanding their range of foods, even if you’re up against a habit that has built up over years. This technique gives the child responsibility for what’s on their plate, while leaving the parent to control the choice of options. It’s also a great way of getting us to cook food ourselves rather than buy ready-made meals!

Steps towards good eating

  • Think up two menus, containing hings you would like your child to eat and that they might realistically try. Don’t start off with sprouts unless they already love them!
  • Write each menu up on a paper plate, call the family together and ask your child to choose between the menus.
  • Make whichever menu she chooses for your meal. Praise her for every mouthful of new food.
  • Stick the paper plate up on the fridge so your child can see which meals she has chosen (even if she didn’t eat much) and at the end of the week, allow her to choose their favourite to eat again.

If your child continues to refuse to eat new foods, you could cut down on snacks (try the Snack Jar Technique), don’t offer any alternatives, and let them know that there will be nothing else to eat until the next meal.

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Related links

  • TV Clip - Good Eating Technique: Giving Andrew praise for eating four mouthfuls of his dinner turns out to be a much more successful way to get him eating, than telling him off.
  • Placemat Reward Chart: This may help overcome initial worries about new foods, and ‘a nice clean plate’ could be added to general Reward Chart categories.
  • The Little Chef Technique: This technique encourages children to try new foods and get engaged in food preparation.
  • Snack Jar Technique: The Snack Jar Technique is used to limit a child’s snacking, and encourage a balanced diet at mealtimes…
  • Supernanny Guide to Healthy Eating: If it feels like your child is eating all the wrong foods - or not eating at all - these Supernanny tips could help.
  • Meal Deal: the facts about a balanced diet: What kids need in their diet and how to provide it.

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