[advert:mpu]Gosh. Still, at least I remembered the bin bags this time.
I asked around and seems this is a pretty common phenomena – my sister had the dreaded call over the tannoy at Tesco’s recently, ‘will the mother of a small boy in dark shorts and a red top please return to collect him in aisle 16, where he is waiting with a member of staff’. Coincidentally, aisle 16 was where the Disney DVDs were stocked, so part of me thinks that was one three year old who wasn’t completely lost…
One friend left hers behind in the kid’s section of the library and only remembered when she went to strap her daughter in the car seat. Hummm,.. no daughter. Another told her son to go ahead and get changed at the swimming pool whilst she washed her hair… and promptly got dressed and left without him. Both returned to the scene to face disdainful looks from staff who handed over their snivelling children with that ‘well, you’re just lucky I didn’t get on the phone to social services!’ look in their eyes.
My dad’s one was the best, though; he dropped my brother and our cousin off at the Science Museum when they were 10 and told them he’d be back from his meeting in two hours. But only my brother was waiting there on his return - the two had become separated - my cousin was nowhere to be seen and a stranger to London. Turned out he could only remember dad’s surname and the town in the suburbs where we lived, so the poor policeman that found him had to go through the phonebook (pre Yell.com… how did we survive?). Which explains why they didn’t get in touch with dad until 11pm that night, long after my parents had pulled all their hair out in a blind panic (he says he’s not sure even now that my cousin’s parents know the whole story).
What really keeps me awake at night is that I also left a load of shopping on the pavement by the car and drove off. I didn’t even think twice till I was home and I discovered the boot was empty. Now, you’re following my thinking, aren’t you? So what if that had been the car seat on the pavement and the shopping in the boot? Just sends a shudder down you, doesn’t it? I’ve taken to writing EVERYTHING on my hand.
Bullying doesn’t just happen to other kids, it’s not always easy to spot and we need to give kids the confidence and the strategies to recognise and combat threatening behaviour.
Dp & I are getting married, 8 years and two kids down the line. It's less than a week away, we've got 100 people coming and we've yet to buy the rings - I haven't even found a dress - but here's ...
We've all been there - when your child makes an innocent remark (usually at the top of her voice) which turns out to be a horribly personal insult to someone within direct earshot... or worse...
Come on, I challenge you not to smile...
Watch out bugs, baby's about! Wiggle your tasty little abdomen in front of him and you're dead meat, honey!
The first person to wish me happy mother's day on Sunday was my mother in law, on my mobile, in the toilet, about 5pm. Can't get much more depressing than that...
Anyone else’s kids into this? It's like SecondLife but with penguins and for kids...
We're now halls supervisors, living in a quiet block and eating in the canteen with 230 students where every night is a potential party. It's great fun, but a bit out of the ordinary... how can the ...
After being pretty much indifferent to who gives him his presents, this year it seems that ds1 is DESPERATE to believe in Santa Claus, and the man’s lifestyle, generosity and ‘big brother’ ...
Of course in hindsight I see it's a little naive of me to trot around searching for rubber knickers, but you see we have this Poo Emergency on our hands (literally, as it goes)...
Yay! Ds2’s started to crawl at 8 & ½ months! He has been doing this thing for a while where he goes on all fours, sticks his bum in the air and then pumps up and down in a very wobbly and ...
An hour on an amphibious car round the sights of London with five four year olds yelling ‘quack quack!’ to passers by: more fun than it sounds!
It may take a while to settle my four-year-old and six-month-old into their new, German nursery.
So here we all are – we’re in our wee flat in Germany with just a few boxes, some raincoats and wellies and a couple of sleeping bags. Like Glastonbury without the mud, drugs or music....
Stagger, the ugly superhero who only comes out at night, is my son's new alter-ego...
So, the baby starts nursery on 28th August... and hasn't yet taken more than a mouthful from a cup or bottle. It's an uphill battle.
It's started: huge clumps of hair coming out when I brush my fingers through it. Plug hole totally bunged up when I have a shower. The old postpartum hair loss begins again...
Paranoia was only made worse by horror stories from other mums: one who walked in on her older son standing in front of the new baby wielding a pair of scissors...
Son no.1 couldn't have been more pleased with his new baby brother. He picks out the cutest nappy for him to wear, and seems charmed when the baby does a poo whilst sitting on him!
We're pox-free, hooray! But a few days later ds broke out in hive-like red lumps - turns out that their wee bodies can have an allergic reaction to the chickenpox virus which causes its own rash. ...
We don’t go out trick or treating. We lie in wait for them to come to us. This year, ds dressed in his skeleton outfit and accosted passers by with sweets... All was fine until he stuck an eyeball up ...
Poor old ds really isn't looking forward to 'Big School'. “They won’t like me” he sobbed, “I’ll be in the corner of the playground on my own because I won’t have any friends of my own!” He thinks ...